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Rejected Captions For Our Dog Wearing a Santa Hat Caption Contest

Bark Bark! I'm Santa Paws!

Reason For Rejection: flagrant pun


Are you naughty or nice? I'll tell you what I am, and that's a dog!

Reason For Rejection: dog too self-aware


Santa better not bring me coal again!

Reason For Rejection: negative portrayal of Santa Claus


I'll pull the sleigh if you need me, Santa!

Reason For Rejection: brown nosing


365 days until Christmas feels so far away.

Reason For Rejection: wrong photo being captioned


Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, I'm howling at that Christmas tree!

Reason For Rejection: too noisy


I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, but I won't tell! I'm a dog!

Reason For Rejection: promotes fetishistic voyeurism; dog too self-aware


Silent Night, Howly Night!

Reason For Rejection: contradiction re: sound of nights


I promise I won't eat the Christmas ham off the table!

Reason For Rejection: Ham is not being served


Every dog has his day, and this dog's day is Christmas!

Reason For Rejection: picture is of a female dog



Reason For Rejection: absurd


My owner's dreaming of a white Christmas. I'm dreaming of a big old pile of bones!

Reason For Rejection: use of occult imagery re: bone pile


They say a dog is man's best friend, but man's true best friend is Jesus.

Reason For Rejection: compares Lord and Savior to a dog


Every time a dog barks, an angel gets his wings.

Reason For Rejection: untrue statement; not all angels are men you sexist monster


Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year!

Reason For Rejection: prefer not to choose


Sit, Santa! Sit! Roll over! Now stay... and give us presents!

Reason For Rejection: don't tell Santa what to do


I wish for peace on Earth, good will towards men, and the perfect dog like this one.

Reason For Rejection: wrong photo being captioned; not all receivers of good will are men you sexist monster